digital certificate

A digital certificate is an electronic “passport” that allows a person, computer or organization to exchange information securely over the Internet using the public key infrastructure (PKI). A digital certificate may also be referred to as a public key certificate.

General Information

The main purpose of the digital certificate is to ensure that the public key contained in the certificate belongs to the entity to which the certificate was issued.

Encryption techniques using public and private keys require a public-key infrastructure (PKI) to support the distribution and identification of public keys. Digital certificates package public keys, information about the algorithms used, owner or subject data, the digital signature of a Certificate Authority that has verified the subject data, and a date range during which the certificate can be considered valid.

Without certificates, it would be possible to create a new key pair and distribute the public key, claiming that it is the public key for almost anyone. You could send data encrypted with the private key and the public key would be used to decrypt the data, but there would be no assurance that the data was originated by anyone in particular. All the receiver would know is that a valid key pair was used.

Certificate Authorities

Certificates are signed by the Certificate Authority (CA) that issues them. In essence, a CA is a commonly trusted third party that is relied upon to verify the matching of public keys to identity, e-mail name, or other such information.

The benefits of certificates and CAs occur when two entities both trust the same CA. This allows them to learn each other’s public key by exchanging certificates signed by that CA. Once they know each other’s public key, they can use them to encrypt data and send it to one another, or to verify the signatures on documents.

A certificate shows that a public key stored in the certificate belongs to the subject of that certificate. A CA is responsible for verifying the identity of a requesting entity before issuing a certificate. The CA then signs the certificate using its private key, which is used to verify the certificate. A CA’s public keys are distributed in software packages such as Web browsers and operating systems, or they can also be added manually by the user.

Software that is designed to take advantage of the PKI maintains a list of CAs that it trusts.

To view the list of CAs that Internet Explorer trusts, use the appropriate method:

Internet Explorer 3.x

On the View menu, click Options, click the Security tab, and then click Publishers.

Internet Explorer 4.x

On the View menu, click Internet Options, click the Content tab, and then click Publishers.

Internet Explorer 5

On the Tools menu, click Internet Options, click the Content tab, and then click Certificates.

A list of CAs that are included in Microsoft products is available at the following Microsoft Web site:

Certificate Types

There are four kinds of digital certificates used on the Internet:

Personal Certificates:

These certificates identify individuals. They may be used to authenticate users with a server, or to enable secure e-mail using S-Mime. Microsoft recommends exporting your personal certificates to a safe location as a form of backup in case your certificates are damaged. If a password list file (.pwl) becomes damaged or missing, the certificate is not available for use, and you may receive an error message when you try to send e-mail. For more information about this issue see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

190296 Unable to Use Personal Certificates in Outlook Express
132807 Enhanced Encryption for Windows 95 Password Cache

Server Certificates:

Server certificates identify servers that participate in secure communications with other computers using communication protocols such as SSL. These certificates allow a server to verify its identity to clients. Server certificates follow the X.509 certificate format that is defined by the Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS).

Software Publisher Certificates:

Microsoft Authenticode does not guarantee that signed code is safe to run, but rather informs the user whether or not the publisher is participating in the infrastructure of trusted publishers and CAs. These certificates are used to sign software to be distributed over the Internet.

Authenticode requires a software publisher certificate to sign Microsoft ActiveX and other compiled code. Internet Explorer is also capable of trusting software that is signed with a publisher’s certificate.

To view a list of trusted software publishers in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options on the Tools menu, click the Content tab, and then click Publishers. You can also remove trusted publishers by clicking Remove in this screen.

Certificate Authority Certificates:

Internet Explorer 5 divides CAs into two categories, Root Certification Authorities and Intermediate Certification Authorities. Root certificates are self-signed, meaning that the subject of the certificate is also the signer of the certificate. Root Certification Authorities have the ability to assign certificates for Intermediate Certification Authorities. An Intermediate Certification Authority has the ability to issue server certificates, personal certificates, publisher certificates, or certificates for other Intermediate Certification Authorities.

For example, if you click Certificates on the Content tab in the Internet Explorer Properties dialog box, a list of certificates that are installed on your computer is displayed. There is a trusted Root Authority listed as “Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority” (which is run by VeriSign). This certificate is issued and signed by the Class 1 Public Primary Certificate Authority, and is therefore a root certificate. On the Intermediate Certification Authorities tab, there are several certificates listed as “VeriSign Class 1 CA.” The root certificate mentioned above issued these certificates. These Intermediate Certificate Authorities were created for the purpose of issuing and validating personal digital certificates, so if a person has obtained a Class 1 personal digital certificate from VeriSign, it will be issued by one of these Intermediate CAs. This creates what is known as a verification chain. In this case, there are only three certificates in the verification chain for a personal certificate. However, verification chains can contain a large number of certificates depending upon the number of Intermediate Certification Authorities in the chain.

The verification chain for a certificate can be viewed by double-clicking the certificate and then clicking the Certification Path tab.

How a Certificate Is Issued

  1. Key Generation: The individual requesting certification (the applicant, not the CA) generates key pairs of public and private keys.
  2. Matching of Policy Information: The applicant packages the additional information necessary for the CA to issue the certificate (such as proof of identity, tax ID number, e-mail address, and so on). The precise definition of this information is up to the CA.
  3. Sending of Public Keys and Information: The applicant sends the public keys and information (often encrypted using the CA’s public key) to the CA.
  4. Verification of Information: The CA applies whatever policy rules it requires in order to verify that the applicant should receive a certificate.
  5. Certificate Creation: The CA creates a digital document with the appropriate information (public keys, expiration date, and other data) and signs it using the CA’s private key.
  6. Sending/Posting of Certificate: The CA may send the certificate to the applicant, or post it publicly as appropriate.
  7. The certificate is loaded onto an individual’s computer.

Certificate Revocation

CAs publish certificate revocation lists (CRLs) containing certificates that have been revoked by the CA. The certificate holder’s private key may have been compromised, or false information may have been used to apply for the certificate. CRLs provide a way of withdrawing a certificate after it has been issued. CRLs are made available for downloading or online viewing by client programs.

To verify a certificate, all that is necessary is the public key of the CA and a check against the CRL published by that CA. Certificates and CAs reduce the public-key distribution problem of verifying and trusting one (or more) public keys per individual. Instead, only the CA’s public key must be trusted and verified, and then that can be relied on to allow verification of other certificates. Internet Explorer 5 can be set to check for the validity of certificates on the Advanced tab in the Internet Explorer Properties dialog box.

Digital signature

Digital signature

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about cryptographic signatures. For simple signatures in digital form, see Electronic signature.

A diagram showing how a digital signature is applied and then verified.

A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message or document. A valid digital signature gives a recipient reason to believe that the message was created by a known sender, such that the sender cannot deny having sent the message (authentication and non-repudiation) and that the message was not altered in transit (integrity). Digital signatures are commonly used for software distribution, financial transactions, and in other cases where it is important to detect forgery or tampering.


Digital signatures are often used to implement electronic signatures, a broader term that refers to any electronic data that carries the intent of a signature,[1] but not all electronic signatures use digital signatures.[2][3] In some countries, including the United States, India, Brazil,[4] and members of the European Union, electronic signatures have legal significance.

Digital signatures employ a type of asymmetric cryptography. For messages sent through a nonsecure channel, a properly implemented digital signature gives the receiver reason to believe the message was sent by the claimed sender. In many instances, common with Engineering companies for example, digital seals are also required for another layer of validation and security. Digital seals and signatures are equivalent to handwritten signatures and stamped seals.[5] Digital signatures are equivalent to traditional handwritten signatures in many respects, but properly implemented digital signatures are more difficult to forge than the handwritten type. Digital signature schemes, in the sense used here, are cryptographically based, and must be implemented properly to be effective. Digital signatures can also provide non-repudiation, meaning that the signer cannot successfully claim they did not sign a message, while also claiming their private key remains secret; further, some non-repudiation schemes offer a time stamp for the digital signature, so that even if the private key is exposed, the signature is valid. Digitally signed messages may be anything representable as a bitstring: examples include electronic mail, contracts, or a message sent via some other cryptographic protocol.


A digital signature scheme typically consists of three algorithms;

  • A key generation algorithm that selects a private key uniformly at random from a set of possible private keys. The algorithm outputs the private key and a corresponding public key.
  • A signing algorithm that, given a message and a private key, produces a signature.
  • A signature verifying algorithm that, given a message, public key and a signature, either accepts or rejects the message’s claim to authenticity.

Two main properties are required. First, the authenticity of a signature generated from a fixed message and fixed private key can be verified by using the corresponding public key. Secondly, it should be computationally infeasible to generate a valid signature for a party without knowing that party’s private key. A digital signature is an authentication mechanism that enables the creator of message to attach a code that act as a signature. It is formed by taking the hash of message and encrypting the message with creator’s private key.


In 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman first described the notion of a digital signature scheme, although they only conjectured that such schemes existed.[6][7] Soon afterwards, Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman invented the RSA algorithm, which could be used to produce primitive digital signatures[8] (although only as a proof-of-concept – “plain” RSA signatures are not secure[9]). The first widely marketed software package to offer digital signature was Lotus Notes 1.0, released in 1989, which used the RSA algorithm.[10]

Other digital signature schemes were soon developed after RSA, the earliest being Lamport signatures,[11] Merkle signatures (also known as “Merkle trees” or simply “Hash trees”),[12] and Rabin signatures.[13]

In 1988, Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, and Ronald Rivest became the first to rigorously define the security requirements of digital signature schemes.[14] They described a hierarchy of attack models for signature schemes, and also present the GMR signature scheme, the first that can be proven to prevent even an existential forgery against a chosen message attack.[14]

How they work

To create RSA signature keys, generate an RSA key pair containing a modulus N that is the product of two large primes, along with integers e and d such that e d  1 (mod φ(N)), where φ is the Euler phi-function. The signer’s public key consists of N and e, and the signer’s secret key contains d.

To sign a message m, the signer computes σ ≡ md (mod N). To verify, the receiver checks that σem (mod N).

As noted earlier, this basic scheme is not very secure. To prevent attacks, one can first apply a cryptographic hash function to the message m and then apply the RSA algorithm described above to the result. This approach can be proven secure in the so-called random oracle model[clarification needed]. Most early signature schemes were of a similar type: they involve the use of a trapdoor permutation, such as the RSA function, or in the case of the Rabin signature scheme, computing square modulo composite n. A trapdoor permutation family is a family of permutations, specified by a parameter, that is easy to compute in the forward direction, but is difficult to compute in the reverse direction without already knowing the private key. However, for every parameter there is a “trapdoor” (private key) which when known, easily decrypts the message. Trapdoor permutations can be viewed as public-key encryption systems, where the parameter is the public key and the trapdoor is the secret key, and where encrypting corresponds to computing the forward direction of the permutation, while decrypting corresponds to the reverse direction. Trapdoor permutations can also be viewed as digital signature schemes, where computing the reverse direction with the secret key is thought of as signing, and computing the forward direction is done to verify signatures. Because of this correspondence, digital signatures are often described as based on public-key cryptosystems, where signing is equivalent to decryption and verification is equivalent to encryption, but this is not the only way digital signatures are computed.

Used directly, this type of signature scheme is vulnerable to a key-only existential forgery attack. To create a forgery, the attacker picks a random signature σ and uses the verification procedure to determine the message m corresponding to that signature.[15] In practice, however, this type of signature is not used directly, but rather, the message to be signed is first hashed to produce a short digest that is then signed. This forgery attack, then, only produces the hash function output that corresponds to σ, but not a message that leads to that value, which does not lead to an attack. In the random oracle model, this hash-then-sign form of signature is existentially unforgeable, even against a chosen-plaintext attack.[7][clarification needed]

There are several reasons to sign such a hash (or message digest) instead of the whole document.

  • For efficiency: The signature will be much shorter and thus save time since hashing is generally much faster than signing in practice.
  • For compatibility: Messages are typically bit strings, but some signature schemes operate on other domains (such as, in the case of RSA, numbers modulo a composite number N). A hash function can be used to convert an arbitrary input into the proper format.
  • For integrity: Without the hash function, the text “to be signed” may have to be split (separated) in blocks small enough for the signature scheme to act on them directly. However, the receiver of the signed blocks is not able to recognize if all the blocks are present and in the appropriate order.

Notions of security

In their foundational paper, Goldwasser, Micali, and Rivest lay out a hierarchy of attack models against digital signatures:[14]

  1. In a key-only attack, the attacker is only given the public verification key.
  2. In a known message attack, the attacker is given valid signatures for a variety of messages known by the attacker but not chosen by the attacker.
  3. In an adaptive chosen message attack, the attacker first learns signatures on arbitrary messages of the attacker’s choice.

They also describe a hierarchy of attack results:[14]

  1. A total break results in the recovery of the signing key.
  2. A universal forgery attack results in the ability to forge signatures for any message.
  3. A selective forgery attack results in a signature on a message of the adversary’s choice.
  4. An existential forgery merely results in some valid message/signature pair not already known to the adversary.

The strongest notion of security, therefore, is security against existential forgery under an adaptive chosen message attack.

Applications of digital signatures

As organizations move away from paper documents with ink signatures or authenticity stamps, digital signatures can provide added assurances of the evidence to provenance, identity, and status of an electronic document as well as acknowledging informed consent and approval by a signatory. The United States Government Printing Office (GPO) publishes electronic versions of the budget, public and private laws, and congressional bills with digital signatures. Universities including Penn State, University of Chicago, and Stanford are publishing electronic student transcripts with digital signatures.

Below are some common reasons for applying a digital signature to communications:


Although messages may often include information about the entity sending a message, that information may not be accurate. Digital signatures can be used to authenticate the source of messages. When ownership of a digital signature secret key is bound to a specific user, a valid signature shows that the message was sent by that user. The importance of high confidence in sender authenticity is especially obvious in a financial context. For example, suppose a bank’s branch office sends instructions to the central office requesting a change in the balance of an account. If the central office is not convinced that such a message is truly sent from an authorized source, acting on such a request could be a grave mistake.


In many scenarios, the sender and receiver of a message may have a need for confidence that the message has not been altered during transmission. Although encryption hides the contents of a message, it may be possible to change an encrypted message without understanding it. (Some encryption algorithms, known as nonmalleable ones, prevent this, but others do not.) However, if a message is digitally signed, any change in the message after signature invalidates the signature. Furthermore, there is no efficient way to modify a message and its signature to produce a new message with a valid signature, because this is still considered to be computationally infeasible by most cryptographic hash functions (see collision resistance).


Non-repudiation, or more specifically non-repudiation of origin, is an important aspect of digital signatures. By this property, an entity that has signed some information cannot at a later time deny having signed it. Similarly, access to the public key only does not enable a fraudulent party to fake a valid signature.

Note that these authentication, non-repudiation etc. properties rely on the secret key not having been revoked prior to its usage. Public revocation of a key-pair is a required ability, else leaked secret keys would continue to implicate the claimed owner of the key-pair. Checking revocation status requires an “online” check, e.g. checking a “Certificate Revocation List” or via the “Online Certificate Status Protocol“. Very roughly this is analogous to a vendor who receives credit-cards first checking online with the credit-card issuer to find if a given card has been reported lost or stolen. Of course, with stolen key pairs, the theft is often discovered only after the secret key’s use, e.g., to sign a bogus certificate for espionage purposes.

Additional security precautions

Putting the private key on a smart card

All public key / private key cryptosystems depend entirely on keeping the private key secret. A private key can be stored on a user’s computer, and protected by a local password, but this has two disadvantages:

  • the user can only sign documents on that particular computer
  • the security of the private key depends entirely on the security of the computer

A more secure alternative is to store the private key on a smart card. Many smart cards are designed to be tamper-resistant (although some designs have been broken, notably by Ross Anderson and his students). In a typical digital signature implementation, the hash calculated from the document is sent to the smart card, whose CPU signs the hash using the stored private key of the user, and then returns the signed hash. Typically, a user must activate his smart card by entering a personal identification number or PIN code (thus providing two-factor authentication). It can be arranged that the private key never leaves the smart card, although this is not always implemented. If the smart card is stolen, the thief will still need the PIN code to generate a digital signature. This reduces the security of the scheme to that of the PIN system, although it still requires an attacker to possess the card. A mitigating factor is that private keys, if generated and stored on smart cards, are usually regarded as difficult to copy, and are assumed to exist in exactly one copy. Thus, the loss of the smart card may be detected by the owner and the corresponding certificate can be immediately revoked. Private keys that are protected by software only may be easier to copy, and such compromises are far more difficult to detect.

Using smart card readers with a separate keyboard

Entering a PIN code to activate the smart card commonly requires a numeric keypad. Some card readers have their own numeric keypad. This is safer than using a card reader integrated into a PC, and then entering the PIN using that computer’s keyboard. Readers with a numeric keypad are meant to circumvent the eavesdropping threat where the computer might be running a keystroke logger, potentially compromising the PIN code. Specialized card readers are also less vulnerable to tampering with their software or hardware and are often EAL3 certified.

Other smart card designs

Smart card design is an active field, and there are smart card schemes which are intended to avoid these particular problems, though so far with little security proofs.

Using digital signatures only with trusted applications

One of the main differences between a digital signature and a written signature is that the user does not “see” what he signs. The user application presents a hash code to be signed by the digital signing algorithm using the private key. An attacker who gains control of the user’s PC can possibly replace the user application with a foreign substitute, in effect replacing the user’s own communications with those of the attacker. This could allow a malicious application to trick a user into signing any document by displaying the user’s original on-screen, but presenting the attacker’s own documents to the signing application.

To protect against this scenario, an authentication system can be set up between the user’s application (word processor, email client, etc.) and the signing application. The general idea is to provide some means for both the user application and signing application to verify each other’s integrity. For example, the signing application may require all requests to come from digitally signed binaries.

Using a network attached hardware security module

One of the main differences between a cloud based digital signature service and a locally provided one is risk. Many risk averse companies, including governments, financial and medical institutions, and payment processors require more secure standards, like FIPS 140-2 level 3 and FIPS 201 certification, to ensure the signature is validated and secure.[16]


Main article: WYSIWYS

Technically speaking, a digital signature applies to a string of bits, whereas humans and applications “believe” that they sign the semantic interpretation of those bits. In order to be semantically interpreted, the bit string must be transformed into a form that is meaningful for humans and applications, and this is done through a combination of hardware and software based processes on a computer system. The problem is that the semantic interpretation of bits can change as a function of the processes used to transform the bits into semantic content. It is relatively easy to change the interpretation of a digital document by implementing changes on the computer system where the document is being processed. From a semantic perspective this creates uncertainty about what exactly has been signed. WYSIWYS (What You See Is What You Sign) [17] means that the semantic interpretation of a signed message cannot be changed. In particular this also means that a message cannot contain hidden information that the signer is unaware of, and that can be revealed after the signature has been applied. WYSIWYS is a necessary requirement for the validity of digital signatures, but this requirement is difficult to guarantee because of the increasing complexity of modern computer systems.

Digital signatures vs. ink on paper signatures

An ink signature could be replicated from one document to another by copying the image manually or digitally, but to have credible signature copies that can resist some scrutiny is a significant manual or technical skill, and to produce ink signature copies that resist professional scrutiny is very difficult.

Digital signatures cryptographically bind an electronic identity to an electronic document and the digital signature cannot be copied to another document. Paper contracts sometimes have the ink signature block on the last page, and the previous pages may be replaced after a signature is applied. Digital signatures can be applied to an entire document, such that the digital signature on the last page will indicate tampering if any data on any of the pages have been altered, but this can also be achieved by signing with ink and numbering all pages of the contract.

Some digital signature algorithms

The current state of use – legal and practical

All digital signature schemes share the following basic prerequisites regardless of cryptographic theory or legal provision:

  1. Quality algorithms 
    Some public-key algorithms are known to be insecure, practical attacks against them having been discovered.
  2. Quality implementations 
    An implementation of a good algorithm (or protocol) with mistake(s) will not work.
  3. The private key must remain private 
    If the private key becomes known to any other party, that party can produce perfect digital signatures of anything whatsoever.
  4. The public key owner must be verifiable 
    A public key associated with Bob actually came from Bob. This is commonly done using a public key infrastructure (PKI) and the public key↔user association is attested by the operator of the PKI (called a certificate authority). For ‘open’ PKIs in which anyone can request such an attestation (universally embodied in a cryptographically protected identity certificate), the possibility of mistaken attestation is nontrivial. Commercial PKI operators have suffered several publicly known problems. Such mistakes could lead to falsely signed, and thus wrongly attributed, documents. ‘Closed’ PKI systems are more expensive, but less easily subverted in this way.
  5. Users (and their software) must carry out the signature protocol properly.

Only if all of these conditions are met will a digital signature actually be any evidence of who sent the message, and therefore of their assent to its contents. Legal enactment cannot change this reality of the existing engineering possibilities, though some such have not reflected this actuality.

Legislatures, being importuned by businesses expecting to profit from operating a PKI, or by the technological avant-garde advocating new solutions to old problems, have enacted statutes and/or regulations in many jurisdictions authorizing, endorsing, encouraging, or permitting digital signatures and providing for (or limiting) their legal effect. The first appears to have been in Utah in the United States, followed closely by the states Massachusetts and California. Other countries have also passed statutes or issued regulations in this area as well and the UN has had an active model law project for some time. These enactments (or proposed enactments) vary from place to place, have typically embodied expectations at variance (optimistically or pessimistically) with the state of the underlying cryptographic engineering, and have had the net effect of confusing potential users and specifiers, nearly all of whom are not cryptographically knowledgeable. Adoption of technical standards for digital signatures have lagged behind much of the legislation, delaying a more or less unified engineering position on interoperability, algorithm choice, key lengths, and so on what the engineering is attempting to provide.

See also: ABA digital signature guidelines

Industry standards

Some industries have established common interoperability standards for the use of digital signatures between members of the industry and with regulators. These include the Automotive Network Exchange for the automobile industry and the SAFE-BioPharma Association for the healthcare industry.

Using separate key pairs for signing and encryption

In several countries, a digital signature has a status somewhat like that of a traditional pen and paper signature, like in the EU digital signature legislation. Generally, these provisions mean that anything digitally signed legally binds the signer of the document to the terms therein. For that reason, it is often thought best to use separate key pairs for encrypting and signing. Using the encryption key pair, a person can engage in an encrypted conversation (e.g., regarding a real estate transaction), but the encryption does not legally sign every message he sends. Only when both parties come to an agreement do they sign a contract with their signing keys, and only then are they legally bound by the terms of a specific document. After signing, the document can be sent over the encrypted link. If a signing key is lost or compromised, it can be revoked to mitigate any future transactions. If an encryption key is lost, a backup or key escrow should be utilized to continue viewing encrypted content. Signing keys should never be backed up or escrowed.

See also


  1. A. Jøsang, D. Povey and A. Ho. “What You See is Not Always What You Sign”. Proceedings of the Australian Unix User Group Symposium (AUUG2002), Melbourne, September 2002. PDF

Further reading

You can now use WhatsApp in Google Chrome, support for more browsers coming soon

WhatsApp web app screenshot 001

Facebook-owned WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging app with more than 700 million monthly active users, can now be used in a web browser. As first noted by Dutch website, the WhatsApp web app can be accessed at

At the moment, the web application works on Windows PCs and Android devices, but not in mobile or desktop Safari. However, it can be accessed on desktop Macs using Google’s Chrome browser, but not on iPhones and iPads running Chrome.

Support for more browsers is “coming soon,” says a notice on the website.

When you first access using Google Chrome, you’re presented with a QR that you must scan inside WhatsApp for Android, Windows Phone or Blackberry to log in.

Which brings me to the biggest issue: support for QR scanning in the iPhone edition of WhatsApp will be added later so unless you have an Android/BlackBerry/Windows Phone device, you won’t be able to log in to the web app.

Also, your phone needs to stay connected to the Internet for the web client to work. To stay signed in on the computer, tick the “Keep me signed in checkbox.”

WhatsApp web app screenshot 002

“Our web client is simply an extension of your phone: the web browser mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device – this means all of your messages still live on your phone,” WhatsApp CEO and co-founder Jan Koum clarified in a Facebook post.

On the downside, chances of WhatsApp web app running on iOS devices anytime soon are slim, to say the least. “Unfortunately for now, we will not be able to provide web client to our iOS users due to Apple platform limitations,” cautioned the CEO.

WhatsApp web app screenshot 003

The ability to use WhatsApp in a browser, while working on a desktop, is a cool addition. I use Messages on my Mac with Text Message Forwarding set up on my iPhone to read and reply to both SMS and iMessages.

Viber already has a nice desktop app so the ability to use WhatsApp in a browser is a very much appreciated addition. That is, once they refresh the iOS client with QR code scanning in the first place.

Source: via @JoeyjReij

Email as court evidence

This guide is based on UK law. It was last updated in September 2008. Email may be admitted as evidence in court proceedings so organisations need to consider the practical issues this raises. Thes…

This guide is based on UK law. It was last updated in September 2008.

Email may be admitted as evidence in court proceedings so organisations need to consider the practical issues this raises. These issues include taking steps to enhance the reliability of email evidence, to manage the storage of email effectively and to have appropriate controls in place regarding its use.

Admissibility and reliability

E-mail is a form of documentary evidence and can be admitted as evidence in court in the same way as can other forms of documentary evidence.  However, as with other forms of evidence, the reliability of e-mail evidence will be subject to scrutiny. This can be a particular issue in the context of e-mail or other electronic evidence, since measures which may protect the integrity and/or authenticity of electronic evidence (such as the use of digital signatures or other forms of encryption) are not always used. As a result, the reliability of e-mail as evidence may be subject to attack.

Organisations can however take steps that will potentially enhance the reliability of e-mail as evidence. One way of doing this is to demonstrate that e-mail has been created, compiled and stored in accordance with good industry practice.  In particular, compliance with the BSI ‘Code of Practice for Legal Admissibility and Evidential Weight of Information Stored Electronically’ (the Code) will be relevant. The Code provides a framework that can be used to assess the reliability of evidence stored electronically. Compliance with the Code does not automatically mean that electronically stored documents will be regarded as reliable, but it is likely to strengthen any claim of reliability. Equally a failure to comply with the Code could leave a party open to the suggestion that e-mail evidence is unreliable.


However it should be recognised that, just as e-mail can be used to support a case, it can also be used to undermine it. This is important because prior to court proceedings taking place organisations may be required to disclose relevant e-mails to the other party to the dispute. This can cause problems because of the way in which e-mail is used. E-mail is something of an informal medium, and individuals may often write things in an e-mail that they would not include in a standard letter or memo.  For example, individuals may send e-mails to each other discussing problems with a project and may make admissions of fault that they would not have made had they been aware that such e-mails could be disclosed to the other party. Policies regulating the use of e-mail are therefore important. In addition, organisations can in some cases rely on particular legal rules to avoid the need to disclose e-mails in particular cases. However the rules in this area are complex and legal advice will be needed to confirm their application.

The requirement to disclose e-mail also means that organisations should have appropriate systems in place to manage and store e-mails. Unless this is the case then problems may arise if (for example) e-mails have been deleted or if there is no adequate e-mail archiving process in place.

Practical steps

Given the above issues, there are a number of practical steps that organisations should consider taking in relation to e-mail, including the following:

  1. taking steps to enhance the reliability of e-mail as court evidence, through the use of systems to manage e-mail that comply with good industry practice;
  2. putting in place internal procedures to control the use of e-mail, to avoid damaging disclosures being made;
  3. having regard to legal rules which may enable the disclosure of e-mails to the other party to be limited; and
  4. implementing measures to simplify the process of disclosing e-mails to the other party where disclosure is required.

By taking the above steps, organisations should be able to rely on e-mail as evidence and handle e-mail effectively during the course of disputes.

Chinese phone maker claims Apple’s iPhone 6 is a ripoff


Chinese phone maker Digione claims Apple’s iPhone 6 infringes on a patent for its own smartphone under the 100+ brand, and plans to take Apple to court if things aren’t resolved. In a letter sent to Apple in September, Digione says it wants to communicate further with Apple to prevent “potential legal risks for the sake of further understanding and communication.”

The smartphone from Digione is aimed at the low-end market, with a 5.5-inch screen, an 8-core processor from MediaTek, along with a modified version of Android from Baidu. It’s priced at 799 yuan, compared to the iPhone 6 at 5288 yuan. The marketing page for Digione’s smartphone looks hilariously like Apple’s website.

As MacWorld first noted, Digione says the September letter to Apple hasn’t resolved things, and the company wanted a “chance to tell the truth,” according to its post on Chinese social-networking site Sina Weibo. A subsidiary of Digione was granted the patent in question in July, after it applied for the patent in January, according to China’s State Intellectual Property Office.

This isn’t the first time Apple has seen legal trouble in China. In an infamous court case, Chinese company Proview claimed it first had ownership of the iPad name, and it was eventually ruled Apple pay $60 million for the ownership of the trademark in China.

Examples of ISSP (Issue Specific Security Policy)


Carnegie Mellon University

U.S. Department of Agriculture

PENNSTATE University

Examples of EISP (Enterprise Information Security Policy)


King County,d.ZWU

Examples of SysSSP (Systems Specific Policies)

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust

Academic Computing Department, East Stroudsburg University, PA

Top Electronic Discovery Software Products

Replace your legacy litigation database with IPRO Eclipse SE. Support tens of millions of records without a SQL backend or dedicated DBA. Full featured ESI review software includes transcript management and detailed reports. See for yourself with a free trial! View Profile

Discovery Attender is a software tool designed to automate the search and collection of electronically stored information across a variety of platforms. This cost-effective solution enables in-house talent to identify and gather responsive information in a timely, defensible manner. Up and running in minutes, Discovery Attender streamlines the process of locating and producing data for electronic discovery requests, compliance, internal investigations and much more. View Profile

Manages incident response and forensic acquisition procedures in full compliance with digital investigation standards. View Profile

Viewpoint 5.0

by Lateral Data

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Significantly reduce the collection, processing, culling and review costs associated with the eDiscovery process. View Profile

Bee Docs Discover

by Bee Documents

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Breeze eDiscovery Suite

by Breeze Legal Solutions

Create load files, Bates number, OCR and batch-process documents at your desktop. View Profile


by Infology

Review all documents and file types, search for keywords in any document, classify documents, produce document schedules and indexes. View Profile

Enables repeatable, defensible and measurable business processes that significantly reduce eDiscovery risk, cost and time. View Profile


by @Legal Discovery

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by Catalyst Repository Systems

Image and document repositories for litigation, e-discovery, due diligence and matters involving large volumes of documents. View Profile

Cavo eD

by Cavo

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by Hot Neuron

Clustify groups related documents into clusters, providing an overview of the document set and aiding with categorization. View Profile

Cricket Discovery Suite

by Cricket Legal Technologies

Easy to use, robust, scalable e-Discovery processing solution. View Profile

Daegis Edge

by Daegis

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Data Discovery Suite

by Hitachi Data Systems

HDS’s e-discovery storage solutions are fast, support multiple terabytes of storage, and are scalable and flexible View Profile


by ILS Technologies

Connect devices to eliminate layers in the information chain and track document changes in real time View Profile


by Discover Technologies

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Discovery Assistant

by ImageMAKER Development

Electronic discovery software and document conversion application. View Profile

Discovery Cloud

by Nextpoint

Empowers law firms to securely perform native file processing, document review and production with no local software or per-user fees. View Profile

Reduce time, cost, and problems by sorting through and organizing data into relevant files to be easily accessed View Profile


by e-Stet

Identify and collect legal data and archive information based on similar keywords and organize to make data accessible to users View Profile


by DigitalReef

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Pull relevant information for cases quickly by quickly sorting through electronic documents View Profile

eDiscovery Processing

by Encore Discovery Solutions

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eDiscovery Services

by Renew Data

Collect, process, and analyze data in large documents and create accurate reports through each step of the process View Profile

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by EDT

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Email Archiving

by Smarsh

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EnCase eDiscovery

by Guidance Software

Operates from a central location to perform search, collection, preservation and processing of electronically stored information. View Profile

Enterprise Email Archive

by MessageSolution

Comply with industry regulations, meet legal, HR and audit e-discovery demands and protect corporate intelligence. View Profile


by Everlaw

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by Exterro

Exterro is the preferred provider of software specifically designed for in-house legal and IT teams at global 2000 organizatiions. View Profile

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by Hewlett-Packard

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Index Engine Platform

by Index Engines

High speed sorting data and file processing for fast access to important information and reports View Profile

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by SysTools Software

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by Equivalent DATA

Cull your files to a manageable dataset and uncover human aspects behind your data. View Profile

Solve investigations faster by processing data quicker, sorting through evidence with more accuracy and archive data View Profile

OnDemand EDD

by Trial Solutions

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OpenText ECM

by OpenText

Enterprise and hosted DAM solutions for optimizing the way organizations collect, find, use, and distribute digital media. View Profile


by PassMark Software

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Cloud-based archiving software with parallel search capabilities and enhances security features. View Profile

Quick View Plus

by Avantstar

Allows you to natively view Electronic Stored Information in virtually any format for the ultimate efficiency in legal tasks. View Profile

RealLegal iBinder

by RealLegal

Discovery management software for managing multiple transcripts and exhibits; delivers tools for transcript intensive cases. View Profile


by Fios

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Review documents to pull the critical information out and take data to generate reports to review information View Profile

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Get instant access to necessary information for trials, and extract meaningful analyzed data View Profile

Summation Pro

by AccessData Group

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by Mindseye Solutions

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Venio FPR

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by Digital WarRoom

Process technical documents, analyze information, group related data and create reports to review information View Profile

Delivers next generation platform for eDiscovery, social media, cloud, and enterprise and supports investigations of cloud-based data. View Profile

ZL Unified Archive

by ZL Technologies

Detailed litigation support for every part of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model in proactive and reactive e-discovery. View Profile

Agbani Darego covers November issue of Mania Magazine

She needs no introduction. Former Miss world and fashion entrepreneur Agbani Darego graces the November Edition as she talks about her retail brand AD by Agbani Darego and the nearest future.

Credits Cover
Photographer: Kelechi Amadi-Obi
Fashion Editor: Godson Ukaegbu
Make-up: Bimpe Onakoya

WhatsApp starts encrypting instant messages on Android, iOS and other platforms coming soon

WhatsApp read receipts

WhatsApp, the most popular instant-messaging platform with more than 600 million users which Facebook snapped up for $16 billions earlier this year, has started to protect data with end-to-end encryption, The Wall Street Journal reports.

For the time being, text messages exchanged between Android users of WhatsApp are being encrypted by default.

It shouldn’t be too long until the company adds encryption to the iOS app and other mobile platforms. Encryption protects users’ communications from governments and hackers alike by making the data unreadable as it travels between servers.

That means WhatsApp won’t be able to help law enforcement decrypt messages, the company said. Encryption does not currently apply to group messages or media messages (I have no doubt that the team is already on it), nor does it protect messages exchanged between an Android device and an iPhone, or other non-Android smartphone or tablet, from prying eyes.

The team is working with Open Whisper Systems, a privacy-technology company run by Moxie Marlinspike, on encryption in WhatsApp. Privacy advocates have noted that WhatsApp’s implementation of encryption will make it impossible for foreign governments and U.S. agencies to intercept text messages, even with a warrant.

“We have a ways to go until all mobile platforms are fully supported, but we are moving quickly towards a world where all WhatsApp users will get end-to-end encryption by default,” Open Whispers said in a blog post.

Open Whisper Systems received grants from the U.S. government to develop the open-source, free of charge TextSecure encryption protocol.

Unlike iMessage which also uses end-to-end encryption but backs up encrypted messages on Apple’s servers for users who have enabled iCloud Backup, WhatsApp does not keep contents of your communications stored on its servers, meaning the firm can’t decrypt messages for commercial or law-enforcement purposes even if it wanted.

Note that most of WhatsApp’s more than 600 million users are located outside the United States so Uncle Sam will no have a much harder time eavesdropping on WhatsApp messages of non-U.S. citizens.

Recently refreshed for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and now with read receipts, WhatsApp is available at no cost in the App Store

[The Wall Street Journal]